Sunday, May 21, 2017


What started out at a dreary morning.....became a rainy and cold morning...but that did not dampen the spirits of our girls, their families or their running buddies!!! Friends, family and supporters braved the elements to run with and cheer on our girls. 
The alarm did not go off. I woke up with only 20 minutes to get dressed and get my helpers moving. Within 30 minutes we were in the car, getting gas and coffee and heading to Grant Park. Texts were coming in from my coaches and I was dictating responses to my daughter while driving. 
We arrived and parked then headed to the site flag. We were only there a short time before the girls arrived....and the rain soon after them. It was a morning of  few sprinkles, a downpour or 2, and a great deal of smiles! 
Every girl had a running buddy thanks to support from Girls on the Run and teachers from our school. The best part?  Every girl finished!  
It was a great morning filled with lots of high fives and smiles (and rain soaked tutus!) that filled my one super shiny, glittery, sparkly bursting with love heart.
forward is a pace. peace.

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